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Alriaz Agencies

Expoxydised Soyabean Oil (ESBO)

Shamama Jaffery
(Marketing & Sales)
Tel +92 322-8219714

Epoxidized soybean oil, better known by its acronym, ESBO, is a plasticizer used in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics. It serves as a plasticizer and as a scavenger for hydrochloric acid liberated from PVC when the PVC undergoes heat treatment.[2]

ESBO is manufactured from soybean oil through the process of epoxidation. The reason why vegetable oils are widely used as plasticizers is because the high numbers of carbon-carbon double bonds present in vegetable oils make them a good target for manipulation into some other useful products like in this case – from soybean oil into epoxidized soybean oil.


Food products that are stored in glass jars with metal lids need a gasket to make a good seal and the gasket is usually made from PVC. It forms an airtight seal preventing microbiological and other contamination. ESBO is one of the additives used in the PVC gasket. It serves as a plasticizer and a scavenger for hydrochloric acid released from PVC when the food product undergoes sterilization.[8]


200Kgs Plastic drums.